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Agave Nectar and Acne: Why This Sweetener Is The Unhealthiest Superfood Ever

Agave nectar is a gold coloured syrup extracted from the agave plant in Mexico. These days, millions of health conscious people are flocking to agave nectar for a “healthy”, “raw” and “100% natural” sugar alternative. Diabetics are told that agave nectar causes a mellower blood sugar… Read More »Agave Nectar and Acne: Why This Sweetener Is The Unhealthiest Superfood Ever

Sweet potatoes cure acne.

Sweet Potatoes and Acne: a Carbohydrate That’s Clean and Nutritious, Yet Still Tastes Great

Sweet potatoes have been eaten since the early 16th century. Christopher Columbus brought them to Spain after his first New World voyage in 1492. From there they travelled to Italy and then to Austria, France, England, and Germany, where they became a beloved delicacy. There’s… Read More »Sweet Potatoes and Acne: a Carbohydrate That’s Clean and Nutritious, Yet Still Tastes Great