
Does insulin cause acne?

Why Insulin Is the Most Important Acne Hormone

If you don’t get your insulin levels under control, then you will never cure your acne. It is as simple as that. When most people think about acne and hormones, they usually believe that testosterone and DHT are important, and they are. However they are nothing compared to the acne-causing monstrosity that is insulin. High levels […]


How DHT and Testosterone Affect Your Acne

If you’ve been researching acne then you’ll almost certainly have come across testosterone and DHT. These androgens are touted as being the biggest villains behind acne ever. It does seem logical – after all, these hormones increase massively during puberty, and the first pimples appear in puberty too. Hence, many acne patients are attempting to reduce their

Antioxidants can clear and cure acne.

Antioxidants And Their All Important Link To Acne

Today we are going to discuss one of the most important acne subjects there is: antioxidants and how they prevent acne. If you’ve read a single newspaper or seen a single billboard over the last few years then you most likely have seen adverts for these antioxidants. You might have seen adverts for antioxidant supplements

Hormones and androgens cause acne.

Is Acne Caused By Your Hormones?

There’s a lot of misconception out there about the role of hormones in the creation of acne. The first thing you need to know is that they do play a huge role, after all you don’t see six year old kids getting acne much. The reason why acne first pops up in your teenage years

Diet or hygiene for clearing acne?

5 Reasons Why Diet Beats Hygiene For Your Acne

If you’ve ever asked a doctor about your acne then he’ll surely have told you that your diet has hardly anything to do with it. He will have told you that there is a tenuous link between diet and acne, but that hygiene is more important and that’s what you should focus on. In reality the

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