
Potassium sorbate - its safety for clear skin and acne.

Potassium Sorbate: A Safe Ingredient For Acne… Or Is It?

Compared to horrors such as BPA or fluoride, potassium sorbate has a shining reputation as one of the kindest, gentlest cosmetics ingredients. In internet articles bashing artificial preservatives, potassium sorbate is commonly recommended at the end as a safe one. But is it? My main recommendation is to avoid chemical concoctions with 100 ingredients anyway, but […]

Free radicals - their dangers for acne.

7 Bonus Dangers Of Free Radicals For Acne

Free radicals are the chief among invisible acne villains which are covering every corner of our civilisation. We’ve discussed their main acne dangers numerous times. Firstly, and most importantly, there’s oxidation of squalene, which forms 26% of your skin’s oil (sebum). This creates squalene peroxide, a mutant compound which clogs pores like there’s no tomorrow,

Stress causes acne - a new link.

Secret New Connection Between Stress And Acne Discovered

In 2020, one of the most rapidly expanding acne realms is the world of skin bacteria. There’s lactobacilli, staphylococcus epidermidis, ammonia oxidising bacteria; the complexity keeps growing. Just as we’ve unmasked one mysterious player, twenty more outlines of shadowy figures pop up in the distance. Meanwhile, a more ancient riddle is stress causing acne, which

Fun ways to clear acne and skin.

11 Fun Ways To Clear Acne

After researching acne, you might easily get the impression that clearing acne is a long, dreary slog. If you obey the traditional acne doctrine, it can be. After all, applying benzyl peroxide daily in a meticulous regimen is pretty dull. Yet the truth is that some of the best ways to clear acne are also

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