Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Six Acne Myths You Need To Forget

Acne is such a widespread problem that every man and his dog has his own theory about it.  Some of them have caught on and have now become engrained in popular lore. Most of them have actually been debunked but generation after generation of acne patients continues to fall for them anyway. They end up getting completely […]

Does sugar cause pimples and acne?

Does Sugar Cause Acne?

Sugar has been under attack a lot recently for the health problems it causes. For a very long time sugar was thought to be perfectly safe, but nowadays we know that it can give you diabetes, heart disease, and tooth decay. Importantly for us, it is also one of the very biggest causes of acne. Sugar has been linked

Do cortisol and stress cause acne?

How Stress Affects Your Acne

Note: this article is an edited extract from the Annihilate Your Acne eBook. In the book you’ll find extra information on reducing stress, such as specific foods that directly inhibit cortisol.  You might be surprised to hear this, but if you ever asked your grandma how to cure your acne and she replied “stop worrying about it”, she


Is Chocolate An Acne-Causing Nightmare?

The subject of chocolate and acne is one of the most controversial in all of health. For many decades it was common knowledge that eating chocolate would cause an explosion of spots, and mothers all over the world advised their children not to do it. Then in 1969 a study was published claiming that there was no

Why raw honey clears acne and kills bacteria.
Topical treatments

Honey – An Acne Curing Miracle?

Before we discuss honey and whether it’s great for your skin, you first need to know about the gigantic industry of natural topical treatments. The business sprang up when vast swathes of acne patients realised that commercial face washes weren’t helping them, and decided to look for alternative remedies. Businessmen everywhere took notice and suddenly

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