Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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marijuana cannabis and weed don't cause acne

Marijuana And Acne: The Complete Scoop On Cannabis And Skin

Marijuana is pretty popular stuff these days. The debate has raged for years. Opponents claim that legalising marijuana will encourage more people to use it, and warn of psychosis and hallucinations. Then there’s the avid marijuana fans, who smoke weed to open their mind, gain insight into important questions, relax, be creative, compose music, and […]

does the mediterranean diet clear acne

Mediterranean Diet: The Solution To All Your Acne Problems?

You’ve surely heard the stories. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest one in the world, and all human beings must follow it right now or risk cardiovascular failure, diabetes and obesity. The hype kicked off around 2008, when a study found that compared to the standard American diet, Mediterranean diet followers had a 6% lower

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