Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Oysters can clear acne.

Oysters For Acne: A Shellfull of Clear Skin?

Oysters have been part of the human diet since before we were fully human. In 2000 an international team of geologists working in East Africa discovered the remains of oysters said to be over 125,000 years old. The scientists unearthed a treasure trove of stone tools like two-sided stone hand axes and flaked obsidian blades […]

Kale does clear acne and skin.

Can Eating Kale Cure Acne Or Is It Just a Fad?

Kale is one of the great health fads, an all-conquering craze that since 2010, has swept through the West Coast like a tsunami.  In two years, mentions of kale on American restaurant menus shot up by 233%. The quantity grown by American farmers increased by 57% from 2007 to 2012. US activists are plotting to

Chlorine in swimming pools causes acne.

Why Chlorine In Swimming Pools Can Increase Acne

Swimming in a pool is among the most invigorating pastimes known to mankind and spending the day at a waterpark is one of the most enjoyable. In fact, swimming is astonishingly healthy, because not only is injury almost impossible (unless you foolishly dive into the 1ft deep shallow end), it also works many of your

Vitamin C does clear acne.

Why Vitamin C Megadosing Is An Effective Acne Strategy

Today, we’re going to discuss a completely non-secret weapon which has been staring acne patients in the face for decades – vitamin C. Back in 2009, during the swine flu outbreak which supposedly nearly ended civilisation as we know it, a family man called Allan Smith lay dying in hospital, unanimously deemed a hopeless case

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