Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Does estrogen cause or cure acne?

The Relationship Between Estrogen Levels And Acne

Estrogen, as you probably know already, is the main female sex hormone, as opposed to men whose veins are flowing with testosterone. Women need estrogen for their menstrual functioning, breast  development, and mood regulation, but men also need small amounts, for minor bodily functions such as bone strength and mood regulation once again. Many believe […]

Why magnesium can clear acne and your skin.

Why Magnesium Supplements May End Your Acne

Magnesium is not a mineral you’ll hear dermatologists talk about much, nor amateur acne gurus on the internet. That’s at their peril, because magnesium is in a class of its own when it comes to its sheer variety of benefits in the body. Magnesium is the vitamin D of minerals. As of 2012, researchers have

Turmeric and curcumin lower acne inflammation.

Why Eating Turmeric May Clear Acne And Make You Smarter

Turmeric (curcuma longa) is a yellow coloured, culinary spice most famous as an ingredient in yellow mustard and fine Indian and Pakistani curries.  This spice belongs to the same family as ginger, and has surfaced in the textbooks of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Evidence shows that turmeric trees were cultivated by the ancient

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