Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Antibiotics worsen gut bacteria and acne.

Oral Antibiotics For Acne: Avoid Them Or Else!

In this day and age, oral antibiotics are popped like candy.  Along with benzoyl peroxide and Accutane/Isotretinoin, erythromycin and doxycycline are pretty much the default treatment handed out by dermatologists. Antibiotics are far more mainstream than natural acne strategies such as cutting sugar or getting more zinc. Antibiotics are supposedly the very pinnacle of safe […]

How to lower insulin and acne.

30 Ways To Improve Insulin Sensitivity And Clear Acne

Insulin is by far the most important acne hormone you need to focus on. Forget estrogen, forget testosterone, forget DHT; if you don’t control your insulin you’ll have acne forever. Diabetes and insulin resistance, diseases born from high levels of insulin, are more common than ever and acne vulgaris is a simple extension of that.

Does berberine cure acne?

Berberine: Does It Wipe Out Acne By Nearly 50 Percent?

These days, fad supplements come and go out of fashion in the blink of an eye. The likes of chlorophyll and wheatgrass have enjoyed raging popularity among vegans and alternative health fanatics, but as we discussed here, there’s no value to chlorophyll at all. However, there’s one supplement which I believe does deserve some time

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