Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Coffee - 10 basic facts for acne and skincare.

The 10 Basic Coffee Facts An Acne Sufferer Should Know

In your quest to cure acne for good, there are thousands of useful facts you could learn about the role of coffee. Genetics, sensitivities, caffeine, antioxidants – that’s a mere handful of the sub topics. However, if you ate a pill that instantly gave you all the knowledge on coffee and acne, you would probably […]

Monk fruit sweetener - is it safe for acne?

Is Monk Fruit An Acne-Friendly Sugar Alternative?

As you probably know if you’re reading this article, monk fruit is a popular sweetener.  The story goes that during the Tang Dynasty of 618-907AD, there existed an elite group of monks called the Luo Han, or Arhats in Indian. They regularly pilgrimaged to the Guilin mountains of southern China to seek enlightenment. During their

Sodium fluoride - 10 reason to avoid it.

10 Reasons Why Acne Sufferers Should Avoid Sodium Fluoride

Sodium fluoride is a chemical added to 70% of American water supplies, and most commercial toothpaste brands. The debate over its safety is neverending, stretching back 70 years. Fluoride proponents point to its enamel-strengthening properties, saying it protects children, while calling the opposition fearmongerers. The opposition blames fluoride for weak bones, mental fogginess, and thyroid

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