Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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How to shave and not irritate acne.

The Clear Skin Expert’s Guide To Shaving And Acne

Countless acne patients have noticed that shaving causes acne, so there must be something behind it. At first you would be tempted to dismiss the theory instantly. It sounds like a classic old wives tale, something along the lines of greasy food causing acne or your facial expression getting stuck if the wind changes. However […]

Can eating mango clear acne and pimples?

Is Mango The World’s Tastiest Acne Cure?

The common mango isn’t the most famous food for acne, nor for healthy skin. Nowadays, the mango is widely believed to be a potent aphrodisiac for men. It’s all down to the vitamin E, which improves male vitality and the likelihood of conceiving a new baby. The truth is that “the fruit of love” contains

Doe juniper berry essential oil clear acne?
Topical treatments

The Truth About Juniper Berry Oil And Acne

Juniper berry oil is a mildly popular topical acne remedy, derived from the blue or black berries of the juniper plant. You can find juniper trees in Japan, Europe and North Africa, growing to between 6 and 25 feet tall, and having stiff, needle-like blue and green leaves. Scandinavian countries use the berry for flavouring

How to eat a safe cheat meal for acne.

10 Ways To Eat A Cheat Meal Without Getting Acne

The question has entered the minds of every acne-clearing enthusiast. Which do I choose, clear skin or pizza? Freedom from acne, or freedom to drink beer? Luckily, it’s a question that doesn’t need asking. You can have a cheat meal or a whole treat day once every two weeks, and still be free from pimples.

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