Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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Blue light therapy - the best devices for acne.

Reviewed: The Best Blue Light Therapy Devices For Acne

Blue light devices are, without a doubt, the most interesting high-tech acne product available today. The technology is proven to work, and unlike accutane or antibiotics, there’s almost no side effects. The market is growing and growing and new devices are being invented constantly. The summary is that blue light wavelengths are proven to reduce […]

Can blue light clear acne and skin?

Blue Light: The Greatest Acne Technology Ever Invented?

According to new evidence, the cure for acne is all around us. It is touching your skin at this very moment. Your room is full of it and unquantifiable amounts can be found right outside your front door. You don’t need benzoyl peroxide to cure acne. You don’t need oral antibiotics. You definitely don’t need

Can eating grapefruit clear acne and skin?

The Acne-Healing Powers Of Grapefruit

The grapefruit is perhaps the most recent fruit to enter the human diet. Fig trees for example, were first domesticated 12,000 years ago in the modern day city of Jericho in the West Bank. Peaches are even older, as prehistoric peach pits dating back 2.5 million years have been unearthed in China. The grapefruit, meanwhile,

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