Author name: Richard Wolfstein

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acne alcohol connection bacteria

Alcohol And Acne: The Facial Bacteria Link

Bacteria pops up in strange and unexpected places when it comes to acne. One of the more surprising connections is to the stress explosion that teenagers constantly report. In 2019, it was discovered that two strains of p.acnes bacteria had receptors in their cell membranes for catecholamines, AKA adrenaline and noradrenaline, the two stress hormones […]

acne strategies for brainpower cognition

7 Acne Remedies Which Also Sharpen Your Mind

  One – slashing sugar It’s no secret in 2024 that stuffing your face with sugar can lead to savage acne outbreaks. It’s one of the most reliable ways to supercharge pro-inflammatory chemicals and all the red and angry pimples that come with it. There’s no need to eliminate all sugar from your diet, but

porphyrins acne connection bacteria

Porphyrins: The Secret Acne Molecule Produced By Bacteria

You probably haven’t heard of porphyrins, or perhaps you’ve about them on social media in passing. Nevertheless, porphyrins have heard of you, and right now, they may be fueling the creation of a brand new pimple. Bacterial porphyrins are the missing link in the chain of several acne phenomena which have left people scratching their

mycotoxins beer chocolate coffee

10 Facts About Mycotoxins, The Invisible Acne Enemy

You’re about to make an epic switch to an acne-friendly diet. You’ve outlawed donuts and soybean oil, and you have dozens of delicious yet all natural recipes lined up. You’re happy that your new diet is much less punishing (and tastier) than you expected. However, there’s one menace that could scupper everything. According to many

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