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Why Camu Camu Powder Is a Miracle Supplement

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Camu camu powder cures acne.Today I’m going to let you in on the secret of one of the greatest supplements in existence.

This supplement is a powder that is one of greatest sources of one of the most powerful acne-curing vitamins.

This supplement saved me from wasting a ton of money.

This supplement can not only have great effects on your acne, but also your entire health.

The amazing supplement I am talking about is Camu Camu powder, straight from the rainforests of South America.

Camu Camu powder is one of the greatest sources of vitamin C in the world. The powder is essentially a highly condensed form of the Camu Camu berry, which grows natively in the jungles of Peru.

The berry has many properties and has been used to treat various ailments for years, but its most astonishing feature is its colossal amount of vitamin C. Most berries contain a decent amount but a handful of strawberries would be shaking in fear when they saw the amount in a Camu Camu berry. The berries even have roughly 30 times more vitamin C than an orange, which is routinely hailed by just about everyone as the solution to your vitamin C woes.


My personal experience with camu camu powder

All this means that Camu Camu powder is one of the greatest ways to get vitamin C in the world. I have an interesting story regarding the astonishing power of this powder. Back in the summer, I was doing various experiments to increase my fitness level and my overall feeling of health, and one that I decided to do was walk for about one and three quarter hours a day, every day.

Read Annihilate Your Acne – get the greatest diet ever for clear and radiant skin

It was rather time consuming but for the purposes of experimentation I did it every day. I did notice a good improvement in my fitness. My legs in particular swelled up to the size of tree trunks (if you’re looking to get fit, then walking is almost as good as the more intense sports. Particularly uphill walking).

The problem was that I completely wrecked my foot in the process. My foot became so painful that I had to give up my walks and rest it because I couldn’t walk on it without a great deal of hobbling. The foot did eventually begin to heal, but then I had an accident in a forest where it went back to square one.

The real problem with all of this was that I was going on a skiing holiday very soon. Skiing is something of an obsession of mine. However, my foot was far too painful to even walk on properly. I couldn’t run at all, so skiing was a sure fire route to end up flying off the top of a mountainside cliff. To solve this dilemma I simply waited for a while but after about two months, my foot was not improving even slightly.

With the skiing holiday a mere two months away I began to look for alternative remedies, and the one I settled on was huge doses of vitamin C. I already had some Camu Camu powder in my possession, so I began taking roughly 10 grams of it every day (that’s about 1500mg of vitamin C).

The results were amazing. Within two weeks my foot was almost completely healed, and I could easily walk on it again. The foot still hurt a little bit but the ache was no different to what you might have in your legs after a hard day of climbing.

It was especially incredible considering that I had been waiting for about four months for this to heal. I was soon able to run again and by the time my skiing holiday came about there was no sign that the foot was ever injured.

Camu Camu Powder is a true miracle as far as I am concerned. You might be wondering, did I notice any impact on my skin while I took those large doses?

Next: the 6 vitamins and minerals which can massively reduce acne

The answer is yes. Clearly the foot’s recovery was due to vitamin C’s powerful wound healing ability and I noticed the same effects on my face. During the time I took large doses I noticed that the tone of my skin was far clearer and just downright healthy looking.

I had also had a big treat weekend around that time where I ate tons of cake, ice cream, and pizza. I got a few minor breakouts, which was expected; sugar is deadly and the wheat used to make cake, pizza and even bread is one of the worst foods for acne of all time. But with camu camu powder the fresh acne healed incredibly fast.


Why vitamin C is great for acne

What does this mean for you? This means that if you are having any trouble with your old acne healing too slowly, the extraordinary wound healing power of Camu Camu powder could be what you need.

Regardless of whether it prevents new acne from being born, it will cause a massive improvement in your overall spottiness levels because the old acne will disappear so much faster. Think of it this way: if we were to take the speed with which my foot healed and apply it to the speed at which your acne clears, you can expect massive improvements from taking large doses of Camu Camu Powder.

All this is due to the huge amounts of vitamin C and that can have other advantages too. Vitamin C is the mortal enemy of the stress hormone known as cortisol. If you’ve read my eBook Annihilate Your Acne then you’ll know that cortisol increases in response to any mental stress you experience, and when it does, it leads to an increase in the oiliness of your skin (through the indirect method of causing insulin resistance).

If you are chronically stressed out then cortisol will be chronically high and your skin will be chronically oily. Vitamin C is an excellent way to deal with this problem because the human body uses it to remove excessive levels of cortisol. That makes Camu Camu Powder a particularly useful supplement if you are undergoing a time of stress.

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So far then that’s accelerated wound healing, and less oily skin, and the final major advantage is that vitamin C is vital for the proteins that construct your skin. Vitamin C is necessary to create collagen, the structural protein your skin is made of. Getting plenty of vitamin C will allow your skin to be tougher and hardier, making it resistant to damage and thus less prone to become inflamed.

Vitamin C is also one of the many weapons that can increase your resistance to UV radiation from sunlight (another topic covered in my eBook). That could be because of increased collagen or because of vitamin C’s antioxidant functioning.

One of the best improvements you will notice from Camu Camu Powder is that the tone of your skin becomes excellent and that’s likely a combination of all the factors outlined above.

Basically, Camu Camu Powder is not an acne supplement that you’ll ever hear being discussed, but it’s one of the best ones money can buy.


The greatest camu camu powder?

The best camu camu powder brand for acne and skincare.What is the best brand of Camu Camu powder you might ask? From my experience:  Terrasoul Superfoods Raw Camu Camu Powder

Madre Nature Organic Camu Camu Powder is another great brand. Both are certified organic by the USDA. Interestingly the two I have used have quite varying tastes although they are both recognisably from the same fruit.

There are probably slight variations in the content of vitamin C between the two of them but both will still be at astonishing levels. As a general average, you can assume that 5 grams of Camu Camu Powder will contain roughly 750 milligrams of vitamin C. That’s roughly a teaspoon of powder.

Read the eBook – find out why vegetables oils are giving everyone acne

If you take this teaspoon and mix it in with a glass of water, then you have a very simple way to take it. Mix it into the water with a spoon, and keep mixing until the moment you drink it. If you don’t keep mixing then the powder tends to clump together and that makes it harder to drink.

There is one warning you need to hear: Camu Camu powder tastes extremely strong. The first time you taste it you’ll probably feel like your brain is about to explode. The flavour is not exactly unpleasant, but the fact remains that it is extremely powerful.

You may get the urge to spit the drink right out again, but just keep going! The flavour is not totally unpleasant, in fact there is a certain appeal to the sheer strength of it after you get used to it. It’s a completely unusual flavour which you need to experience for yourself.

If you really hate it then just think about the benefits it will have for your skin. I advise that you take at least five grams for three weeks in order for you to assess the benefits. If you have tons of money then I recommend you take more, possibly ten grams as that is the amount I took to fix my foot.

Waiting for three weeks will allow time for the benefits of the vitamin C to really filter through to your skin. You might notice that your skin is less oily at first, and then later you’ll notice that your acne heals a lot faster.

You might also feel healthier in other ways. When I drink plenty of Camu Camu Powder my brain feels a lot sharper and I have tons of energy. If you have any wounds on your body that seem as though they’ll never heal, then Camu Camu Powder could well be your saviour.

The only issue other than the taste is that Camu Camu powder is quite expensive. It takes quite a bit of money to keep up with taking five grams per month. However you’ll still get some benefits just from taking one gram, for instance. That will provide you with 250% of the daily allowance of vitamin C; in that way it is a fully functional supplement.

Another important advantage is that because it is derived from a real food, Camu Camu powder is miles ahead of the synthetic nutrients you find in your grocery stores. As we have discussed elsewhere on this site, synthetic vitamins are very poorly absorbed by the body. Synthetic vitamin C, for example, typically contains just ascorbic acid, which is a significant part of natural vitamin C, but not the only part.

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Natural vitamin C contains this but also tons of enzymes, compounds and live bacteria that help the human body to maximise absorption. Downmarket vitamin C will work to some extent but never anywhere close to as well. The lack of complex substances makes synthetic vitamin C like a laptop that has its outer shell, with the screen and keyboard, but none of the complex wires and circuits inside. In other words: pretty much useless.

Camu Camu Powder is about as natural as it gets, and therefore it’s good to use as your baseline supplement even if you can’t afford to take higher doses of it.



Once again, my preferred Camu Camu powder supplement is  Terrasoul Superfoods Raw Camu Camu Powder. Without this miracle powder I would have wasted a ton of money on a skiing holiday in which I couldn’t have gone skiing.

It’s an extremely smart idea to give camu camu powder a go. You might experience an acne clearing miracle similar to the foot healing miracle I experienced.

Remember: use at least five grams for the maximum benefits. There are no real limits to how much you can use, apart from the size of your wallet. The more you use, the greater the improvement in your skin will be.

NEXT: the ultimate diet for clearing acne permanently



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